Don’t Stay Trapped in the Day-to-Day of Your Business

Learn the six-step framework that can stop you from drowning in the details. 

✓ Learn how to take control of your time and priorities

✓ Rediscover how to do the things you truly love- in your business and life

✓ Uncover how it’s possible for your business to produce dependable, predictable results

Do you feel like you are:

  • Drowning in the details

  • Stuck in the mundane day-to-day

  • Not in control of your time and priorities

  • Forever strapped to the business

Discover how this 6-step framework can produce dependable, predictable results, in your business.

Go through the book with other small business owners and leaders to improve clarity, focus, and accountability.

Join a community of like-minded small business owners and leaders who are committed to achieving growth and success.

Explore working with Stacey (Certified Business Made Simple Coach) to help you implement the 6 frameworks found in this book and achieve the thriving business you desire.

get started

The Details

Wednesday Afternoon

or Evening

Wednesday @ 12 Noon Eastern/ 11 am Central/9 am Pacific
Wednesday @ 8 pm Eastern/ 7 pm Central/5 pm Pacific

(Summer 2024)

WHat to Expect

Week 1: Introduction & Chapter 1

Week 2: Chapters 2

Week 3: Chapters 3 & 4

Week 4: Chapters 5, 6, 7 & Celebration!

What others are saying

Joining the book club was an absolute delight! I immersed myself in Donald Miller's 'How To Grow Your Small Business' and its powerful 'story brand' concept. Now, armed with newfound knowledge, I confidently pitched the 'story brand' idea at my big pre-listing appointment, positioning myself as the trusted guide and empowering my clients to be the heroes of their own journey.

-Courtney Moody, Owner & Broker | NextHome Professional Realty

Stacey's book club was a game-changer for me! I gained clarity on my creative direction and discovered hidden potential in my business, all while enjoying a supportive community.

-Amy Bodkin, Autism Consultant and Speaker | Amy Bodkin Consulting

This book club with Stacey was perfection. Every communication, the actual Zoom meetings, and all the features incorporated were magnificent. Stacey created a whole experience which really helps you connect the dots in order to implement the concepts in your business! 5 Stars ⭐

-Sabrina Lewis, Owner | Graze & Prosper


  • It’s for small business owners. This book gives you a practical 6-step plan for your business so it will produce dependable, predictable results, so you can have the freedom and flexibility to finally do the things you truly love- in your business and life.

  • The frameworks in the book can absolutely be applied to non-profits! Just like a for-profit business, it's important for non-profits to…
    - Align your team around three economic priorities (ex: how many new donors do you want to bring in this year?)
    - Clarify your marketing message
    - Closing more sales (getting more donations)
    - Prioritizing and creating products (ways for people to donate)
    - Running a lean business by organizing your entire team for productivity
    - Install a simple, easy playbook that ensures you never run out of cash

  • Donald Miller is a best-selling author and the creator of StoryBrand. Donald grew his own business from the ground up and realized nobody had put together a simple, step-by-step playbook for growing a business. That book didn't exist. Using the exact framework you'll learn in the book, Donald Miller grew his small business from four employees working out of a basement to a 15 million dollar operation, increasing revenue sixfold in just six years.

  • Stacey Ansley is a Certified Business Made Simple Coach and the owner of Build. Change. Impact. A business owner since 2012 and business coach since 2014, Stacey works with small business owners who find themselves stuck in the day-to-day of their business. With a knack for problem-solving, Stacey helps clients recapture their vision and finally experience the freedom that comes with owning a business that's an asset and serves them and their family.

    Stacey, along with her husband Jason, and their son Jackson are avid NBA basketball fans and can be spotted in the stands at most Orlando Magic home games.

  • I understand that life can be unpredictable. If you miss a session, don't worry—you have options. I offer both afternoon and evening sessions, so you can attend the other time if you miss your usual one. This flexibility ensures you won’t miss out on the valuable discussions and insights from each week.

    Additionally, as part of my commitment to your success, you are invited to book a 25-minute one-on-one call with me, a Certified Business Made Simple Coach. During this call, we can focus specifically on any aspect of the book you are working to implement. This is a perfect opportunity to get immediate, personalized feedback and start applying the lessons directly to your business.

    Showing up has its benefits. Those who consistently participate and take action to implement what they've learned will see tangible improvements in their business. I encourage you to make the most of each session and the resources available to you, ensuring that every step you take is a step toward greater success.

  • Yes, the Small Business Book Club is completely free. Our goal is to provide a supportive community for small business owners and entrepreneurs to learn and grow together.