Processes Stacey Ansley Processes Stacey Ansley

Achieving Your Goals: How the 6 C's and Trust in God Can Help Small Business Owners Overcome Obstacles

Running a small business can be a challenging endeavor, with countless obstacles and roadblocks along the way. But achieving success is possible by using the 6 C's To Success model: clarity, choices, consistency, competence, control, and confidence. Each of these factors is essential in building a strong foundation for your business and achieving your goals. However, it's important to remember that success also requires relying on God's guidance and grace. The biblical story of the Israelites and manna teaches us that we must take action and use the tools provided to us while also trusting in God to fulfill the desires of our hearts. By combining the 6 C's with faith in God, small business owners can overcome obstacles and achieve greatness.

Achieving Your Goals: How the 6 C's and Trust in God Can Help Small Business Owners Overcome Obstacles

As a small business owner, it can be difficult to navigate the many challenges that come with running a successful company. There are countless factors that contribute to success, and it can be hard to know where to focus your efforts. That's why we've developed the 6 C's To Success model, a framework designed to help you build a strong foundation for your business and achieve your goals.

The 6 C's are clarity, choices, consistency, competence, control, and confidence. Think of them as a ladder, with each one building onto the last. You can't make a choice unless you have clarity about the choices you have available to you. The same is true with consistency - you can't be consistent unless you've made a choice and know what you're being consistent in. Each of the 6 C's is important, and together they create a powerful foundation for success.

Six C's To Success

But there's more to success than just hard work and dedication. As the biblical lesson of the Israelites and manna shows us, sometimes we need to rely on God to truly achieve our goals. The people of Israel were provided with manna, a miraculous food that sustained them as they traveled to their promised land. But even though the manna was freely given, the people still had to do their part and go out and collect it. God didn't just hand them everything on a silver platter - they had to work for it.

This is a powerful lesson for small business owners. We can't just sit back and wait for success to come to us. We need to take action and use the tools that have been given to us. The 6 C's To Success model is one of those tools - it provides a framework for building a strong business foundation. But we also need to remember that sometimes we need to rely on God truly achieve our goals. As Psalm 127:1 says, "Unless the Lord builds the house, the laborers labor in vain." We need to delight ourselves in the Lord and trust that he will fulfill the desires of our hearts.

As small business owners, we face many challenges and obstacles on our journey to success. But by following the 6 C's To Success model and relying on God and the Holy Spirit which we now have access to, we can build a strong foundation for our businesses and achieve our goals. So go out there, collect your manna, and build your business - with the help of the Lord and by implementing the 6 C's To Success, you can achieve great things.

If you're ready to take your business to the next level by implementing the 6 C's To Success but would benefit from additional support, don't hesitate to reach out for personalized coaching and guidance. Schedule a call today and let’s work to achieve greatness in your business!

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